YOUth with migrant dropout tackling: CApacity buildiNg»
Project number: 2021-1-BE01-KA220-SCH-000024723
Dates: 27 June – 1 July 2022
Hosting: 2nd Vocational School of Katerini, Greece
The main goal of this meeting is to show to the visitors the way the Greek Education and Labor System works for all students, including life-long learning and employment opportunities for youth. European projects and diversity, project management, new challenges and exchange of good practices are as well important matters that will be further discussed.
The O2O training that will take place in Greece will provide multiple benefits to both the host organization and the participating organization. Within a full week, the participant will get in touch with a variety of organizations and structures in the Municipality of Katerini in Greece and will get acquainted in detail with the organization, structures and actions in the area of responsibility of the Municipality in matters of student and staff education, internships, programs training, vocational rehabilitation, collaborations between agencies (both public and private, NGOs, volunteers).